My method of work
My work is based on guided imagery. I use dolls, musical instruments, props and other toys. The atmosphere of the classroom is relaxed, pleasant, using humor and positive emotions.
The child should not and cannot have failures because during the lesson he succeeds in everything. The emphasis of the exercises is aimed at uncovering and developing the strengths of the child, while the weaknesses begin to fade away themselves.
So, the child’s self-confidence is gradually strengthened, he begins to feel better and stronger. Every adult person and especially children have hidden inner strength, which are not available in difficult circumstances on their own. With the help of music therapy, one can learn to tap into their inner strength, thereby giving children the ability to use them to exit difficult situations.
My therapy is also intended for ordinary children with various problems: poor contact with others, various fears, as well as mentally disabled children and autistic children.
Most of the problems mentioned above are usually successfully resolved with the help of music therapy, the system with which I work.
How the system works
Every day, children are faced with situations that prevent them from living in a normal rhythm:
1. A kindergarten child does doesn't interact with other children and participate in common games
2. A child becomes too upset when he is offended or triggered
3. A child with sleep problems because of the fear of darkness
4. A child who is afraid of some kind of image (fictional or imaginary) that doesn't leave him alone
As part of our musical activities, we recreate these daily situations and solve problems with the help of role-playing games and music. Sometimes it happens slowly, and sometimes a few lessons are enough for the child to feel an inner balance: self-confidence and the ability to live with pleasure and without fear.
(fictional names to protect privacy)
1. Omer - a child who didn't have successful contact with other children but felt that he became an elephant in our session (to the music from “The Carnival of Animals”). He was impressed by elephants, slept with an elephant toy, walked like an elephant, and wore an elephant costume. This role-play helped him to begin to successfully contact and play with other children.
2. Or - very closed, pretended to be a mountain in our session (to the music of Noah Blass). He opened his mouth and invited dolls to look inside as if it were a mountain cave. He discovered a huge and interesting world there! Since then, he has become much more open to others.
3. Roee--He didn’t speak, but in our sessions felt that he was a fish to the music of the harp. Each fish had its own character and language of communication. This special language of communication was taken from the music of “Tsimba-Limba.” With the help of this silly language, he began to speak Hebrew.
4. Romy - a girl unsure of herself. The children in the kindergarten teased her and laughed at her. She imagined herself a queen with a magic wand to the music of M. Ravel “My mother is a goose” and put spells on those who interfered with her in life. Romy can use the powers of her magic wand in everyday life with her imagination.
5. Lia is a shy and tearful girl who did not participate in the common games in kindergarten. She imagined she was a witch who flew on a broomstick (to the music of Musorgsky from Pictures at an Exhibition). This imaginary play raised her self-confidence and gave her the opportunity to participate in games with other children.
So, what is the role of music as a force to influence a child?
If for a moment we imagine a melody that gives us pleasure and on the other hand, music that annoys us, we will understand that music has an emotional power to influence a person. I find or create the particular music the child needs to be emotionally healthy and balanced.
Ira Shirel, All Rights Reserved (2018)